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As every business has noticed the financial landscape has changed dramatically in recent months, and the same is true for manufacturing. The business of optimizing productivity has never been a more pivotal part of conducting business than it is now. With this reality and the need for better, more efficient practices, many businesses are looking for ways to maximize the assets they already have. Participative- based management combined with financial engineering can offer many benefits to your business that will positively impact your financial operations.
So what is all this fuss about participative management? And how can it help improve business operations when you combine it with financial engineering and lean manufacturing?
Traditional management styles extend from the top-down.
While this form of management provides limited success, it does not allow a business to maximize one of its richest resources: The knowledge and ideas of the people working on the line.
Participative-based management gives managers the ability to gain insight from workers who see first- hand where improvements to their work processes can be made.
The results are robust and include improved capacity efficiency, increased worker safety, employee efficiency, product quality, and return on capital.
If you have everyone in your organization giving 100% then please don’t read this paper! In order to survive and thrive in this economy, business leaders need to leverage financials, technology and people. Most CEO’s are comfortable addressing the first two.
However, the perception is that the “people factor” is difficult and convoluted, so managers avoid dealing with it. There are now over 50 years of research and field testing that prove that there are effective strategies for getting the best out of people.
This white paper will examine how to dramatically improve businesses by utilizing participative management, financial engineering, and lean manufacturing and the increased productivity they can offer a business of any size.
To learn more, please contact us.